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Soil & Lawn Enhanced Package

Large Lawn


Season Start Treatment

The Season Start treatment is applied between mid February & early April and is designed to stimulate soil biology for early Spring root and shoot growth.


This treatment is a great source of early season carbohydrates with 45% derived from molasses.


Spring Treatment

The Spring treatments is applied between mid April & early June and is the first Mycorrhizal fungi and soil bacteria feed of the year.


This promotes fescue, bent and rye grasses, improves root mass and increase nutrient and water uptake.


The Spring treatment also includes weed control.


Summer Treatment

The Summer treatment is applied between mid June and mid August. This liquid treatment focuses on maximum leaf and root uptake during the warmer period of the year.


This treatment provides an energy source for the mycorrhizae and rhizosphere bacteria, providing the plant with nitrate and phosphate.


Autumn Treatment

The Autumn treatment is applied between September and October and is the second Mycorrhizal and soil bacteria treatment. 


The aim is to improve your lawns soil biology to harness your soils nutrients. Reducing the need for excessive fertilisation.


​The Autumn will also include weed control if required



Winter Treatment

The Winter treatment is applied between November and mid February. This treatment also includes moss control and turf hardiness to strength it against disease.


With the added benefit of a maintaining the green colour over winter .




This is a mechanical process which creates splits through the compaction layer of your lawn to help open up the rootzone to enable increased air, water and nutrient penetration.


With increased air, water and nutrients at the rootzone, you will see improved growth and lawn colour. It also helps your lawn struggling during stressful conditions, such as high temperatures or low rainfall.


This is a mechanical removal of surface thatch from your lawn. Too much thatch build up suffocates your lawn and can absorb water, and nutrients, stopping them reaching the rootzone. This results in short weak roots and in some situations actually roots that grow up towards the thatch layer.


Thatch buildup occurs when the microbes in the soil cannot break down the organic matter as fast as it accumulates.

Garden Soil

What's included in the Soil & Lawn Enhanced Package?


Our Soil & Lawn Enhanced package is made up of 5 seasonal lawn treatments plus weed and moss control included in the Improver Package, along with the following added benefits:


  • Aeration which relieves compaction and increases air, water and nutrient intake in the rootzone. Improve the growing conditions for your lawn.


  • Scarification which removes moss and thatch build up from your lawn. Too much thatch suffocates your lawn from light, water and air. Increasing the chance of fungal diseases and shallow rots as water is trapped in the layer of the thatch.


Aeration and scarification are essential processes for any healthy lawn long term. We recommend scarification and aeration are performed annually with the support of our organic mycorrhizal lawn treatments in order to promote a thick, lush, healthy lawn.




What's Included?

Season Start lawn treatment

Spring lawn treatment

Spring Weed Control

Late Summer lawn treatment

Autumn lawn treatment

Autumn Weed Control 

Winter lawn treatment

Winter Moss treatment

Mechanical aeration - Spring or Autumn

Mechanical scarification - Spring or Autumn


 Make Your Lawn Look it's Best

We aim to customise your treatment plans to fit around your budget and expectations. Looking for a perfect lawn, or a simply treatment for weeds, we can offer you a number of options and treatment plans throughout the year.

Get the most from your lawn

Customised to meet you needs

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