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Large Lawn

Lawn Services

Lawn Scarifying


What is it?


Scarification is the mechanical removal of surface thatch from your lawn. It removes thatch, moss and other debris from the surface of the lawn.


Too much thatch will suffocate your lawn from light, water and air. Increasing the chance of fungal diseases. It can also trap water at the up layer of your lawn resulting in shallow roots.


It increases beneficial fungal activity to promote fine grasses, thatch reduction and disease management.


lawn thatch build up
lawn scarifying

Do my lawn need to be scarified?


The easiest way to find out if your lawn needs to be scarified is to simply walk on it and if it feels spongy and you can visible see moss, your lawn needs to be scarified.


Thatch buildup occurs when the microbes in the soil cannot break down the organic matter as fast as it accumulates. Excessive thatch is caused by the absence of beneficial microbial activity.

How does our lawn program improve thatch naturally?


Our organic fertilisers include thatch eating fungi and bacteria, that convert thatch, dead moss and grass clippings into humus. Creating the biology needed for perennial grass growth.


lawn scarifying blades
haircap moss



What is it?


Grass roots need air, water and nutrients to grow thick, deep and strong. When soil becomes compacted, even slightly, it inhibit the flow of the essentials that support thicker, healthier turf growth.


Aeration creates splits through the compaction layer of you lawn to help open up the rootzone to enable increased air, water and nutrients.


lawn aeration holes
lawn aeration

Does my lawn need to be aerating?


All lawns benefit from aeration as it increase the penetration of nutrients, air and water deeper into the rootzone.  This stops your lawn struggling during stressful conditions, such as high temperatures or low rainfall.


















Key signs your lawn needs aerations:

  • Puddles. Puddles indicate compacted soil.

  • Worn areas. Parts of your lawn that get heavy uses will show signs of compaction and require aerating.

  • Thinning Grass. This is a sign of compaction, with roots unable to penetrate the compacted rootzone.


How does our lawn programme improve your lawn naturally?


Our fertilisers include Mycorrhizal fungi which improves root mass, increasing nutrient and water uptake. This increases the lawn’s tolerance to drought and stress conditions.


mycorrhizal fungi roots
lawn aerator
Anchor 1
Black Soil
humic booster

Humic Booster


What is it?


This is fungal biostimulant treatment to improve the soil biology of your lawn.


It increases beneficial fungal activity to promote fine grasses, thatch reduction and disease management.


Benefits are:

  • Increases Cation Exchange Capacity.

  • Improves nutrient uptake & stimulates plant growth

  • Increases microbial activity to improve soil structure​


Humate, humic and fulvic acids are essential food for fungi and a stimulant for plant growth and soil structure. Symbio Humic Booster can be applied as a foliar feed or soil drench.










In sand rootzones?


Readily available humate substances are limited and should be added during the growing season to feed the fungi and bacteria that form the foundations of the soil food web.

Anchor 2

Mycorrhizal SeedCoat


What is it?


Symbio Mycorrhizal seed coat contains spores of beneficial mycorrhizal fungi, growth promoting bacteria and fungi and organic soil nutrients to improve grass root growth, stress recovery and rapid establishment of newly seeded lawns.


Mycorrhizae are essential for grass health, attaching to the roots, they can increase the surface are for nutrients and water uptake by over 300%.


Benefits are:​

  • Increases the percentage of fine grasses over Poa annua (weed grass)

  • Greatly improves root mass & increases nutrient uptake

  • Mycorrhizal grasses need up to 30% less water in times of drought.

  • Mycorrhizal grass suffer less from disease, heat & cold stress.














Roots on the left have been inoculated with Symbio Mycorrhizal SeedCoat


mycorrhizal seedcoat



What is it?


Verticutting is vertical mowing. The blades cut vertically through the turf canopy to thin it without compromising the leaf growth or turf density.


Verticutting slices and cuts into the soil to allow moisture, fertilizer, and nutrients to work their way to the grass roots and remove dead thatch and foliage from the turf. The blade breaks up the thatch so you can remove it more easily.


One of the benefits of verticutting is that it creates a more even look and feel to your turf and, over time, verticutting helps the grass grow thicker and healthier.











Eliet scarifier
verticut scarifying

Soil Improver


What is it?


Using compost on grass as a topdressing, can be very beneficial. When you add organic matter to soil, it helps to improve the soil structure and add nutrients.


As the organic matter in compost breaks down, it produces excellent fertilizer.  And because it’s generally rich in nitrogen and other nutrients, adding a compost top dressing to your lawn will result in greener grass.


Also by improving the structure of your soil, you can improve its moisture retention.  Soil that is rich in organic matter is less susceptible to compaction, which means that it will hold more water.


Soil that is rich in natural bacteria and microorganisms gives plants what’s needed to help fight off disease and pests which might otherwise take hold.











Lawn top dressing

Wetting Agent


What is it?


Water is an essential ingredient for growth and the vitality of turf. Using wetting agents to manage water to achieve optimal levels will enhance turf quality and reduce stresses induced by incorrect balances of air/moisture in the soil profile.


The treatment aims to stop your lawn becoming hydrophobic


It enhances turf quality and consistency during the year especially during drought conditions.
















What is Hydrophobic?


Hydrophobic is a property of a substance that repels water. It means lacking affinity for water, and tending to repel or not to absorb water. This can happen to your lawns soil after prolong dry periods.


hydrophobic soil
Anchor 3

Seaweed Bio Booster


What is it?


Using compost on grass as a topdressing, can be very beneficial. When you add organic matter to soil, it helps to improve the soil structure and add nutrients.


As the organic matter in compost breaks down, it produces excellent fertilizer.  And because it’s generally rich in nitrogen and other nutrients, adding a compost top dressing to your lawn will result in greener grass.


Also by improving the structure of your soil, you can improve its moisture retention.  Soil that is rich in organic matter is less susceptible to compaction, which means that it will hold more water.


Soil that is rich in natural bacteria and microorganisms gives plants what’s needed to help fight off disease and pests which might otherwise take hold.











seaweed bio booster

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Trowel and Soil

 Make Your Lawn Look it's Best

We aim to customise your treatment plans to fit around your budget and expectations. Looking for a perfect lawn, or a simply treatment for weeds, we can offer you a number of options and treatment plans throughout the year.

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